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This resource provides a template to track each step of the command climate assessment process for your unit or organization.
This page contains a list of frequently asked questions about the DEOCS and DOCP and is intended to provide a high-level overview of the DEOCS and DOCP.
This page details how the Office of People Analytics (OPA) safeguards participants’ personally identifiable information (PII) and their responses, provides support to participants having trouble accessing the DEOCS and DOCP, provides tips for troubleshooting issues, and describes how DEOCS and DOCP results are reported.
These resources provide survey administrators, Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOA)/Command Climate Specialists (CCS), commanders, and leaders instructions for obtaining an OPA DCP account.
These resources provide survey administrators with instructions on registering a DEOCS within the OPA Defense Climate Portal.
These resources provide instructions and guidance for creating a roster for a DEOCS or DOCP.
This document provides a template to assist with creating a DEOCS roster.
This document provides a comprehensive listing of custom questions that can be added to a DEOCS. Up to ten closed-ended questions and up to five open-ended questions can be selected during registration for inclusion on the DEOCS.
To assist users with item selection, the DEOCS Custom Question Bank Excel can be used to more easily navigate the question bank and search for questions of interest.
This guide provides an overview of the commander’s and leader’s role in conducting a DEOCS, including how requests are received, how to review and approve or deny a DEOCS or DOCP request, and how to review DEOCS or DOCP results.
This document provides an overview of user roles and user management capabilities within the OPA Defense Climate Portal. This includes information on adding proxies or transferring survey registrations or CIPP Plan registrations, designating new user roles, editing editing users, and creating new users.
This video provides instructions for how to add a proxy survey administrator or commander for a DEOCS or DOCP registration. Assigning a proxy grants an additional individual access to a survey registration, allowing them to view the registration and associated results. This video also provides information on transferring a survey registration.
A sample DEOCS 5.1 for Service members.
A sample DEOCS 5.1 for civilian employees.
A sample DEOCS 5.1 for Military Service Academy cadets and midshipmen.
A sample DEOCS 5.1 for Military Service Academy cadet candidates and midshipmen candidates.
This document displays the DEOCS 5.1 questions with their related protective or risk factor.
This document contains the Service-specific questions included on the DEOCS for the Army, National Guard, Navy, Marine Corps, United States Naval Academy, and the U.S. Naval Academy Preparatory School. These are questions that are selected by Service leadership for inclusion on every DEOCS within the given Service.
The Senior Enlisted Leader Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff provides a message to inspire individuals to participate in the DEOCS.
This poster is designed to help units and organizations promote their DEOCS and includes a QR code that links to the survey. Posters can be placed around the unit or organization or sent out digitally. The poster is available in two sizes. If printing the poster, please use the print versions.
8.5in. by 11in. 8.5in. by 11in.
11in. by 17in. 11in. by 17in.
These template social media posts include survey announcement graphics, survey reminder graphics, and survey closing soon graphics for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force/Space Force, Coast Guard, and DoD Civilians. Along with these graphics are template social media captions. These resources are designed to promote the DEOCS on unit/organization social channels.
Survey Live Survey Live Survey Live
Reminder Reminder Reminder
Last Chance Last Chance Last Chance
This document provides information on participant privacy when taking the DEOCS and DOCP.
This document provides an overview of the secure survey login system, help with addressing login issues, and details how participants’ information is safeguarded.
This guide provides information on monitoring DEOCS and DOCP response rates, as well as strategies to increase response rates while a survey is open.
This document provides template e-mails for commanders and leaders to encourage DEOCS and DOCP participation.
This video provides survey administrators, commanders, leaders, and supervisors instructions on how to monitor DEOCS response rates as the survey is open.
This document provides survey administrators, commanders, leaders, and supervisors with an overview of the Response Rates and Reports section of the DEOCS System, including how to monitor response rates, how to download DEOCS reports, and how to create combined reports.
This video provides survey administrators, commanders, leaders, and supervisors instructions on how to download DEOCS and DOCP reports in the OPA Defense Climate Portal.
This video provides survey administrators, commanders, leaders, and supervisors instructions on how to create combined DEOCS and DOCP reports in the OPA Defense Climate Portal.
This document provides information on DEOCS results including how results are calculated, how results are weighted, how demographic categories are created and reported, why data are not reportable, how factor rating alerts are generated, when trends over time are available, and considerations for creating combined reports.
This document provides interpretation information for each of the 19 DEOCS factors and assists with understanding DEOCS results.
This document provides best practices for interpreting written comments from the DEOCS and DOCP.
This resource provides best practices and guidance for conducting focus groups, interviews, and in-depth discussions during a Command Climate Assessment.
This resource provides sample command climate assessment focus group and interview questions for each of the 19 DEOCS factors.
This document is provided to present DEOCS results to a commander or leader upon initial receipt of the DEOCS results.
This document is provided for commanders and leaders to present DEOCS results to their unit or organization members.
This document is provided for commanders and leaders to present DEOCS results to their supervisor.
This document provides a template for a DEOCS results brochure that can be distributed to unit or organization members.
This document provides an example DEOCS results brochure to refer to when creating a results brochure.
This document provides an overview of the DOCP including survey content and results reporting.
This videos provides a walkthrough of DOCP survey registration in the DOCP System.
These resources provide a comprehensive list of the open-ended and closed-ended questions that can be included on the DOCP.
This document provides a template to assist with creating a DEOCS or DOCP roster.
This infographic provides information on the DOCP and the value a DOCP administration can provide.
This document provides an overview of the secure survey login system, help with addressing login issues, and details how participants' information is safeguarded.
These resources provide information on how to generate a DEOCS tracking table within the Tracking System of the OPA Defense Climate Portal.
These resources provide information on how to generate a DOCP tracking table within the Tracking System of the OPA Defense Climate Portal.
These resources provide information on how to generate CIPP Plan tracking tables within the Tracking System of the OPA Defense Climate Portal.